Monday, August 13, 2007

The Flag Still Fly's...

In American History we understand the FLAG was vital to the battle at hand. A unit's flag served as a important tactical function in battle. The flag was often the soldier's only guide, his way of knowing if he was where he was suppose to be when the thick smoke from cannon and muskets consumed the battlefield. Flags where not only used for identification purposes but also served as a means of inspiring morale within the troop. The colors of the flag embodied its honor and that of the men who followed it. The flag would lead them in the fierce of the battle, a banner that would rise them up and fight. The flag was so important that it was carried by a color bearer and guarded by a color guard.

So as the FLAG was important in America History it is vital to the christian solider. As Moses and the children of God found themselves in a battle while on their journey to the promise land. We are in a battle trying to march to the promise land. Moses knew that victory was in the Lord and the Lord only. Moses knew the revelation of God in Jehovah-Nissi, THE LORD OUR BANNER! We have a charge to FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH! We must stand in the liberty that Jesus has provided. Galatians 5:1 "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled with the yoke of bondage." In the battle we can become weak, weary and even vulnerable to the enemy of our soul. The banner still fly's today. Jesus said he is the SAME today, yesterday and forever. His banner over us is LOVE! The banner is still strong! His way is still right! He is in control! We know the victory is neither in the quickest nor in the slowest. But they that endure until the end. The flag gave average men endurance to FIGHT and pursue to the end of the battle. THE FLAG STILL FLY's! and with Jehovah-Nissi on our side, WE ARE MARCHING ONTO ZION!!!